Monday, July 14, 2008

DTW: Development Technology Workshop.

Richard Pullen a former Stock Broker runs a company called Technology Development Workshop (TDW). This is a war torn country on the mend. Richard Pullen runs an outreach company with no donors or government funding and makes a profit , answering to nobody but themselves. They behave as what I perceive to be an engineering & manufacturing 'job shop': A customer wants 1,000 of something complex made of steel or other material, they can do it. TDW is self-sufficient and needs not bow to anyone. These are folks that march to their own drummer. Not only that, along the way, TDW has an emphasis on hiring handicap folks and passing skills along to this very young country on the rebound.

" The Tempest" De-mining Machine

Wheel for de-mining machine made from recycled aluminum cans.

Braille Typewriter also made from recycled aluminum cans

Business end of de-miner

Tools of the trade

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