Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Evening Out

Here are some snippets of one of my last evenings out while living full-time in the capital city of Phnom Penh, Cambodia. While I'm thrilled to be back in the United States, I already miss many of my friends. I also will forever appreciate the visceral, free-wheeling, calm chaos that is the nature of Phnom Penh.
In this little video, I am out with the lovely and fun Victoria. My good Cambodian friend Chean Long is a good part of the fun and does most of the shooting. You will see Long near the end of the video.
I love to tease Long that no-way he is Cambodian...just look at him. He is a Spaniard that happens to speak fluent English as well as 'Khmer', the language of Cambodia. Go figure.
As you view this video, take into account how the third-world and the first-world is melting together in what you see.

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